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Request a Webinar

Alpha Analytical can provide custom webinar events to our clients by request.  These online events are designed to educate our clients on the value our extended services and to inform them of new technical and regulatory developments in our industry. 

Below is a list of topics we can offer.

1,4 Dioxane - A Review & Evaluation of Analytical Methodologies

A widely used chemical compound, 1,4-dioxane has a multitude of industrial uses and may be present in a variety of commercial products. Historically, 1,4-dioxane had not been seen as an environmental compound of concern. When it was included on VOC target lists, many of the physical and chemical properties that make it such a useful industrial chemical also made it very difficult to determine using conventional analytical methods.

Due to the relatively recent classification of 1,4-dioxane as “likely to be carcinogenic to humans,” many regulatory standards and guidelines have been lowered. This presentation will review the three most commonly used analytical methods for low level 1,4-dioxane analysis – Method 8260 SIM, Method 8270 SIM, and Method 522. Each method will be evaluated and the data generated in a method comparison study will be presented.

The webinar will present recent experiences with the management of mature remediation sites which involve 1,4-dioxane in light of the new lower state groundwater criteria for this compound. The talk will present some analytical challenges that have resulted from field sampling and analysis of 1,4-dioxane in groundwater at varying concentrations. In addition the results of multi-laboratory QA studies conducted by Dow’s Analytical Services Department will be presented.

Air Sample Collection and Analysis

This discussion provides an overview of sample collection using canisters and flow controllers for both soil vapor and ambient air sampling. Various state guidance documents and requirements as related to vapor intrusion investigations are also included in this presentation. In addition, Alpha Analytical's Andy Rezendes will describe and discuss the use of digital gauges in the sampling process.

Air & Vapor Testing: Relevant & Representative Data

Sampling gases is different than soils and waters and represents different challenges in all phases of empirical data collection, planning, field sample collection and laboratory analysis.

With EPA and State focus on addressing ambient and indoor air quality, the risk posed by the "inhalation exposure pathway"; this focus has lead to much guidance published on Vapor Intrusion.  It is more critical than ever that data quality objectives are defined and agreed upon upfront, to meet potential scientific, legal and regulatory challenges.  This is done in the pre-program planning phase; then executing the sampling and analysis in compliance with the defined Quality Assurance plan.

This webinar addresses the question: "How do I ensure that my data is relevant and representative?"

Subjects covered include:

  • Incorporating published guidance, and defining Data Quality Objectives (DQO's) in the pre-project planning phase
  • Method selection: Review of available methods both current and emerging for Volatiles Organic Compounds: Method TO-15, TO-17, Passive Monitors Methods for Semi-Volatiles: PAH's, PCB's
  • Field Sampling: soil gas, indoor and ambient air
  • What makes my data legally defensible?

Air Canister Preparation

This video demonstration reviews the processes and procedures used to properly prepare air canisters. Alpha Analytical's Andy Rezendes will be taking you through all the steps required to ensure your collection and analysis are accurate and stable. Various state guidance documents and requirements will also be included in the discussion, as well as background levels of VOCs commonly detected in indoor air.

A Review of Organic Extraction Methods

This discussion provides an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of various extraction methods in conjunction with regulatory requirements, including MADEP MCP, CTDEP RCP and EPA TSCA.

A Review of NJDEP EPH Methods

This presentation will provide a comprehensive overview of the NJDEP Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) analytical method.  A general description of this protocol will be discussed including a review of how the analytical results are presented in a final laboratory report.

A Review of NJDEP & MADEP EPH & VPH Methods

This presentation will provide a comprehensive overview of the NJDEP and MassDEP Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) and Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) analytical methodologies.  A general description of these protocols will be discussed including a review of how the analytical results are presented in a final laboratory report.  In addition, a comparison will be provided of the EPH/VPH procedures with other commonly used TPH methods as well as the potential use of these procedures in other states within the region.

Comparison of Common Cyanide Methods

This discussion provides an overview of each cyanide analytical method and evaluates their utility for MGP site applications. Environmental samples and reference standards were analyzed by each method and the results are compared and contrasted.

Data Merger Tool

"Discover how the flexibility of our Excel tool can save you many hours in data table preparation. This presentation shows you how you can retrieve all data from a project onto one table, even if the sampling extended over several years, and compare this data set to multiple (up to 5) regulatory criteria. This presentation reviews all aspects of the Data Merger Tool.

Data Usability

This presentation discusses the overall concepts associated with analytical data usability assessments. Although the presentation is based on the MCP Data Usability requirements, it is applicable to all aspects of data usability evaluation. 

Data and Usability Assessments for VI Investigations

The critical importance of collecting relevant and representative data for Vapor Intrusion investigations and risk assessments cannot be overstated.  The outcomes of these investigations can include both human health risk exposure and may have significant financial implications.  Many states have or are incorporating these assessments into their guidance and regulations.  These assessments are currently incorporated into the EPA environmental programs and have also been incorporated into Brownfields programs.  This webinar will provide an overview of the analytical process for VOCs and how these processes directly relate to the data reported.  The concepts presented can be related to most analytical methods.  Additionally, the webinar discussion covers the basics of project pre-planning, sample collection, and the review of reported data.  It will provide basic information of data quality review and assessing the usability of data.

Environmental Analytical Chemistry 101 

Environmental analytical laboratories play a key role in generating the information used for decision making in support of environmental assessment, remediation and numerous other project applications.  Yet typically, most laboratory clients have never been inside a laboratory and have had little exposure to how analyses are actually conducted.  This webinar will review the basic operations of the laboratory with a focus on how what takes place during the analysis of your samples ultimately affects the analytical results you receive.   The analytical procedures and instrumentation utilized to conduct several of the most common sample analyses will be discussed.

Improper Sediment Sampling and Handling Protocols

This webinar describes and discusses the potential sources for the wide variability in simultaneously extracted metal (SEM) and acid volatile sulfide (AVS) concentrations being reported by commercial and research laboratories.  Since the method is predicated on maintaining anoxic conditions required to sustain metal sulfide concentrations, exposure of sediment samples to oxygen during sample collection and analysis can result in false positive assertions of metal bioavailability.  A pilot study was conducted to evaluate the extent to which metal sulfide concentrations are affected by sample container head space and holding time.  The analysis of total metal concentrations was included to assist in the evaluation of changes in SEM concentrations given that the total metals are not predisposed to the effects of sediment oxidization.  This presentation will review and explain the pilot study as well as its findings.

MassDEP EPH & VPH Methods

This presentation will provide an overview of the MassDEP Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) and Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) analytical methodologies.  A general overview of these protocols will be discussed including a review of how the analytical results are presented in a final laboratory report.  In addition, a comparison will be provided of the EPH/VPH procedures with other commonly used TPH methods as well as the potential use of these procedures in other states within the region.

PCBs in Caulk/Building Materials

In September 2009, the EPA issued warnings related to the presence of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) that may be present in building materials commonly used during the construction or renovation of buildings between 1950 to 1978. This presentation and discussion will focus on the analytical considerations associated with the determination of PCBs in building materials, i.e. caulk.

PCB Congener and Homolog Analysis by Low Res GC/MS

Traditionally PCB sampling programs have had to choose between inexpensive, but qualitatively limiting aroclor analysis, and PCB congener analysis by high resolution GC/MS, which is highly definitive but economically challenging. 
This webinar begins with an overview of PCB chemistry and focuses on another option for PCB analysis - low resolution GC/MS which is much more comprehensive than aroclor analysis without the high cost of high resolution GC/MS.  Applications of this PCB analytical approach are discussed.

Sediment & Tissue Analysis

This discussion provides an overview of the project applications and analytical approaches utilized by Alpha. This presentation will include some of the techniques utilized by Alpha when dealing with these difficult matrices in order to achieve project specific reporting limits and quality control requirements.

Sediment & Tissue Analytical Support

Ecological Evaluation programs, unlike conventional soil and aqueous sampling programs, pose  analytical challenges that need to be considered when scoping data collection activities. Sediment and  tissue sample media can be the most difficult sample media an environmental laboratory has to work  with yet they can also be associated with the most stringent requirements for analytical sensitivity and  data quality.  They often require additional analytical parameters and specialized methodology to meet  these requirements.  This webinar will discuss how to set up these projects for success in the  planning and scoping stages.  It will also review the analytical methods and the techniques that are  utilized to mitigate the additional laboratory challenges posed by these project applications.

The Revised CAM

This webinar will cover recent revisions to MassDEP's Compendium of Analytical Methods (CAM). The material focuses on clarifications to the requirements for Presumptive Certainty and the use of the CAM Laboratory Report Certification Form; method updates, including APH and TO15; and communicating effectively with your laboratory, both when requesting analytical services and upon receipt of results to ensure that everyting is in compliance with CAM requirements. Delivered by Alpha Analytical's Jim Occhialini, the presentation is approximately 60 minutes in duration and will also include a question and answer session.

Update on NJDEP VIT Document & Data Usability

Alpha Analytical sponsored a breakfast seminar in March of 2012 that covered and described the new NJ DEP Vapor Intrusion Technical Document (VIT) that was released on January 13th, 2012.  As part of Alpha Analytical's ongoing informational series, this webinar presentation will serve as a compliment to our NJ seminar expanding on some of the key aspects of data quality, the NJ DEP VIT: Data Usability, project pre-planning, sampling, "shut-in" and "leak check", analytical method selection, and the data usability review before reporting results to the NJDEP.

Delivered by Will Elcoate, Alpha Analytical's National Air Sales Manager, the presentation is approximately 60 minutes in duration and will also include a question & answer session.

"Vapor Intrusion: The Maturation Phase?

The EPA has announced the long anticipated update to the 2002 OSWER Draft Guidance for Evaluating the Vapor Intrusion to Indoor Air Pathway from Groundwater and Soils (Subsurface Vapor Intrusion Guidance). Many states, organizations and groups have published information, data and guidance on the Vapor Intrusion pathway investigations. After ten years, the EPA is in the final stages of updating both the guidance and their approach to evaluating the risk associated from the sub-surface vapor cloud. This presentation will focus on a laboratory’s view of Vapor Intrusion landscape and the challenges of providing data that complies with the quality requirements in order to meet the needs of these evolving regulations and programs.

Subjects the webinar will cover:

  • Status of State guidance and what we might expect from the EPA’s update
  • Screening data versus legally defensible data, current and future analytical methods
  • Best practices and some challenges to collecting relevant samples
  • What is important when collecting data?

Delivered by Will Elcoate, Alpha Analytical's National Air Sales Manager, the presentation is approximately 45 minutes in duration and will also include a question & answer session.

What Questions Should You Ask Your Lab

Working with or determining a partnership with an analytical lab is a mission critical decision. It is a task that can be difficult when taking into account all the certifications, accreditations, project technicalities and analyses that are required. This webinar will take you through the process and shed some light on some of the key differentiators you should be looking for.

Working with a Laboratory

This webinar will provide helpful insights on setting up your projects and submitting samples to a laboratory. Topics to be discussed including logistical considerations, regulatory requirements, sample preservation and chain of custody. In addition, a brief overview of laboratory operations and QA/QC will also be provided. Delivered by Alpha Analytical's Jim Occhialini, the presentation is approximately 60 minutes in duration and will also include a question and answer session.

What Our Clients Are Saying

“Alpha Analytical has been extremely reliable, accommodating, and timely. Their staff is friendly to work with, and communication is always clear and thorough. They helped us when we needed a quick turn-around, and they are consistently quick to respond to requests. ”