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Project Management

Working with Alpha Analytical

Alpha is not just another certified analytical laboratory. From initial  planning to reporting, the Alpha team of project managers and account managers strive to understand how they can add value and efficiency to our client's projects. We offer project set up,  account and project management, complimentary courier service ,  analytical reporting and data management. To that end, we have developed the following support services to facilitate all phases of our clients’ projects:

Project Management

Currently, Alpha employs more than 24 full-time project managers who have an average of 15 years of experience in the environmental testing industry. Many members of the project management staff  had been analysts, chemists, supervisors, and managers in an environmental laboratory prior to joining Alpha. At Alpha, each project manager is knowledgeable about all federal & state guidance, as well as regulatory requirements. They are dedicated to the client’s expectations in their area of practice. 

A project manager is assigned to each client as projects come in,  to act  as a single point of day-to-day contact for their respective office. These individuals are responsible for quickly responding to work requests, reviewing project requirements, submitting daily sample receipt confirmations to the client, scheduling couriers and samplers, maintaining lab schedules, ensuring technical requirements are met, providing technical guidance, and ensuring data is reported timely and accurately. Alpha’s project managers work closely with the laboratory to ensure that the project is delivered on time and on schedule. Some of our projects require rush turnaround times, short holding times and the hiring of subcontractors; all of which are strictly adhered to in order  to meet the parameters of this client’s contract. Our laboratory project manager will generate and maintain internal electronic project communication forms which convey critical project information throughout our facility to all login, laboratory, and reporting personnel. To learn more about Alpha’s project process please view our Project Setup Video.

Account Management

When a project comes into Alpha, the client is assigned to a dedicated  account manager who sets up their account. Alpha’s 14 experienced account managers, located in the Northeast and the Midwest, have an average of  more than 20 years of experience in the environmental testing industry. Like our project managers, each of our account managers is also versed in  federal and state testing guidance and regulations. Their routine responsibilities include, but are not limited to; account management and  maintenance, technical training, providing regulatory updates, online data access tutorials, reviewing contracts, evaluating and setting up  projects, as well as accounts receivable follow-up. 

Value-Added Services

To make your next project run more efficiently, Alpha offers the following specialized services: 

  • Laboratory generated excel tables with typical quality control information designed to be incorporated into your project's Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP). This information includes, but is not limited to tables containing a summary of methods, bottle types, preservatives, holding times, compound lists with reporting and method detection limits, as well as  precision and accuracy limits for various quality control indicators.
  • Time-saving electronic Chain of Custody (COC) templates are available for  ordering containers or making preparations for your next field sampling event. These templates can be customized for specific projects and reused. For convenience, the COC templates are available in MS Excel or MS Word versions to tailor your COC for your specific project. To learn more about COCs, please view our Chain of Custody video or download a COC form
  • Pre-labeled sample containers with client and project names, /ID/analysis with glassware segregated by sample location reducing your field operations time preparing bottle ware for sample collection.
  • Alpha’s LIMS enables data to be captured electronically and allows our customers to easily produce a variety of deliverable packages that meet the most stringent state and federal validation criteria. Regulatory packages routinely generated include Level 1-Level 4 type deliverables. The LIMS can generate automatic electronic data deliverable (EDD) formats with no manual intervention. This allows the data files to be prepared with no additional special handling, which greatly reduces the potential for transcription errors and inconsistencies between electronic and hardcopy reporting. Alpha offers a wide array of standard EDD formats for  reporting including Excel, ASCII, GIS-Key, EQUiS, NJ Hazsite EDD and Envirodata.
  • Alpha also uses the Alpha Data Exchange (ADEx), a sophisticated electronic data deliverable capability. This system allows you to check project status and download your data directly from our website in a variety of formats. These include Excel, GIS Key and EquIS, with the final summary report prepared as an Adobe Acrobat  PDF. These electronic data formats are automatically generated with no manual data entry or manipulation, which can dramatically minimize your office’s data reduction and reporting level of effort that results in  zero  transcription errors.  ADEx clients have access to their data 24/7 via their individual password protected ADEx account. Laboratory reports, chain of custodies, invoices and electronic deliverable files are available to our clients via our website as soon as they are finalized and remain online for a minimum of ten years after they are generated.
  • In addition, Alpha has developed a proprietary, Excel “Data Merger” system that compares and contrasts data to a multitude of federal and state action limits. This Data Merger feature automatically highlights and summarizes results that exceed the applicable criteria and can be queried in a multitude of orders.
  • Alpha Analytical maintains nine fully-staffed service centers throughout the Northeast and Midwest. Most are self-sufficient entities service centers that provide project management, courier, and bottle prep services. Our new Eco-line fleet of  more than 60 fuel-efficient vehicles support our complimentary courier service for sample pick-up and container delivery throughout our areas of coverage.

    Please contact your Alpha project manager or account Manager to learn more about our capabilities, experience and certifications, or to obtain a project proposal or price quote.

What Our Clients Are Saying

“Alpha Analytical has become our preferred laboratory for New Jersey due to their reliability in providing quality data and also superior customer service. Alpha has subject matter experts that have provided valuable training to our teams for a variety of different subjects including emerging contaminants, data usability, VI, etc. We greatly value our relationships with our Account Manager, David Boring and Senior Project Manager, Ben Rao. Our partnership with Alpha has gone beyond what we normally expect from a laboratory because of the trust that we have in our extended project team. ”

Project Management

Alpha’s ADEx & Data Merger tools can save you many hours in preparing data tables.